In 2021.09.01. on the basis of instruction letter No. 8-7-1 / 30 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the direction of graduates of bachelors and their teachers to participate in the process of clinical examination in regional medical institutions” assistant professor of the Department of Children’s Diseases No. 2 of TMA Tursunbayev A.K. 12.01. provides practical assistance in areas of Namangan region

In 2021.09.01. on the basis of instruction letter No. 8-7-1 / 30 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the direction of graduates of bachelors and their teachers to participate in the process of clinical examination in regional medical institutions” Associate Professor of the Department of Children’s Diseases No. 2 of TMA Rakhmanova L.K. 12.01. provides practical assistance in areas of Andijan region

ANNOUNCEMENT At the Tashkent Medical Academy, clinic No. 1, building 14, 5th floor, December 6, 19 at 12.00, an open lecture for students of the 6th year of the medical and pedagogical faculty in Russian will be held at the Department of Children’s Diseases No. 2.

ANNOUNCEMENT At the Tashkent Medical Academy, clinic No. 1, building 14, 5th floor, December 6, 19 at 12.00, an open lecture for students of the 6th year of the medical and pedagogical faculty in Russian will be held at the Read More …

ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Open lectute On November 28, 2019, at 12:00, an open lecture for students of the 6 year 605, 606 group of the medical faculty on the topic “Disuric syndrome in children. Dismetabolic nephropatis” was in the TMA clinic 1, the 11th building, the 12th lecture hall by associate professor of the department of Children´s diseases №2 Rakhmanova L.K.

ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Open lectute On November 28, 2019, at 12:00, an open lecture for students of the 6 year 605, 606 group of the medical faculty on the topic “Disuric syndrome in children. Dismetabolic nephropatis” was in the TMA clinic 1, Read More …