
Science problem chair of GP pediatrics.

New method of diagnostic, treatment and prophylactic kidney and respiration tract disease of children.                                

Science resources of chair.

Всего: 20 сотрудников, из них

Остепененные сотрудники – 16 –  80 %

(проф.- 3, д.м.н.-1 ,  доцентов- 6, старших преп. кмн -2, асс кмн.- 4)

Неостепененные ассистенты – 4  –   20%

Средний возраст профессоров-52 лет.  Средний возраст доцентов-42-65 лет. Средний возраст старших преподавателей -44года . Средний возраст-ассистентов-35 лет


 Orientation and area of explorations assistants of chair

Orientation and area of explorations assistants of chair (doc)


Aspirant dissertations in chair of GP pediatrics

Aspirant dissertations in chair of GP pediatrics (doc)


Release list of assistants of chair during 2013 year

Release list of assistants of chair during 2013 year (doc)


Publications assistants of chair GP pediatrics abroad



Publications assistants of chair GP pediatrics abroad  (doc)

Methodical scientific manual list of 
assistants of chair GP pediatrics

Methodical scientific manual list of assistants of chair GP pediatrics  (doc)

Application of the research work to medical practice in the TMA


Application of the research work to medical practice in the TMA (doc)

Participation of assistants of chair GP pediatrics in Republic scientific conferences 

Participation of assistants of chair GP pediatrics in Republic scientific conferences (doc)

International contribution. Training in foreign scientific centers

International contribution. Training in foreign scientific centers  (doc)

Use information of professors and teachers of chair GP pediatrics  

Use information of professors and teachers of chair GP pediatrics (doc)

Study group of TMA GP pediatrics 

Study group of TMA GP pediatrics (doc)

Students participation in Students Learned Society and in competitions