Karimdzhanov Ilhamdzhan Asamovich – MD, professor
Since 2005 Head of the Department of Pediatrics GP Tashkent Medical Academy. In 1993 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Daily hronoalgoritm hronohimioterapiya and pulmonary tuberculosis.” He is the author of 175 scientific works, including 1 monograph, 2 manuals, 15 methodological developments, innovations 4, 5 circulars, 1 patent for an invention. To establish and maintain communication and cooperation with foreign universities (USA, Russia, Germany, Egypt, Ukraine). Under the leadership of Karimdzhanova IA deeply studied the causes of childhood morbidity and mortality (allergic, bronchopulmonary, cardiovascular, renal disease, goiter) and is highly skilled medical care for children. Department staff are actively involved in the implementation of Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers №1096, №1144, 1124 on reproductive health, child health and education and on duty at sanaviatsii Republic (2 months in a year) to provide qualified medical assistance to children. In recent years, the department prepared 5 candidates of medical sciences, associate professors, assistant professors, 62 medical residents, dozens of practitioners, the newly created new types and working program, implemented in the educational process of new educational and information technology, English language, in order to develop high-quality practical skills a laboratory for the development of practical skills in pediatrics, developed and implemented in the educational process technology for their learning step by step, is held interdepartmental horizontal and vertical integration, work on grants. Under the guidance of Professor Karimdzhanova I.A.zaschischeny 1 doctoral and 11 master’s theses, 1 doctoral dissertation done. Karimdzhanov IA is a member of the Scientific Council of the TMA, specialized council for doctoral dissertations in Pediatrics and a member of the Certification Commission for the Designation of MoH category pediatrician, expert research grants.
Bobomurotov Turdikul Akramovich – MD, Professor, Department of Pediatrics GP Tashkent Medical Academy. In 2002 he defended his doctoral thesis on the topic: “Regional lymphatic therapy and uzkospektralnye infrared rays in the treatment of acute bronchopulmonary diseases in young children.” He has authored more than 130 scientific and educational works, monographs, and patents. In 2009-2011 he was the scientific director of research grant to perform at the department. Title of the grant project: “Comprehensive assessment of physical and sexual development of children with chronic nonspecific lung diseases and the development of secondary prevention.” Contributes to the establishment of links with foreign universities and republican. Pays special attention to the introduction in the educational process, new teaching information technology, conduct religious education and sports activities, education of young people physically, spiritually and intellectually strong and sturdy. The results of his research contribute to the early diagnosis and implementation in the healing process of modern medical equipment and medicines, which leads to a reduction in the duration of treatment, decrease complications and improve the effectiveness of treatment. In 2005-2010 he was Dean of the Faculty of Medical and pedagogcheskiye, since 2010 is the pro-rector on spiritual and educational work of the Tashkent Medical Academy.
Rakhmanov Lola Karimovna – MD, assistant professor of pediatrics GP Tashkent Medical Academy. Rakhmanov LK graduated from the pediatric faculty of Andijan State Medical Institute in 1984. In 1997 she defended her thesis on the topic: “The function of the kidneys and immunological changes in children with different clinical variants of juvenile chronic arthritis.” In 2002 she defended her doctoral thesis on the topic: “Bolalarda diatezlar (allergies, limfatik, nerve-artritik) kechishining clinics-immunologik hususiyatlari, immunterapiya Islands profilaktikasi.”
Author of over 140 scientific publications. Including 2 monographs, textbooks, 2 patent for invention, 24 methodical development, 1sbornik popular scientific works, rationalization proposal, newsletter, 100 abstracts and articles in the national and foreign press.
Rakhmanov L.K.yavlyaetsya head kardionefrologicheskogo Branch 1 clinic TMA. Conducts research in the field of nephrology for the Study of immunoallergic status in children and sickly children. Implementation of research results, along with the development of children’s nephrology school enhances the effectiveness of early diagnosis, treatment, prevention of nephropathy, allergies in children.
Suleymanov Alavhon Suleimanovich. PhD, assistant professor of pediatrics GP Tashkent Medical Academy. He graduated with honors from the pediatric faculty of the Samarkand Medical Institute in 1972. V1972-74 he passed clinical residency in pediatrics at the summit. V1974-1977 he studied in graduate school at the Research Institute of Pediatrics Medical Sciences of the USSR in Moscow 10.11.1977 and he defended his thesis. Since 1977 he has been working at the Department of childhood diseases and pediatrics GP TMA assistant, and since 1983 an associate professor of the department. In 1987- 90 he worked as Head of Mission of the Soviet Union doctors in Algeria. Author of more than 60 scientific papers, educational developments in the field of child cardiorheumatology.
Tolipov Noila Kudratovna, PhD, assistant professor of pediatrics GP Tashkent Medical Academy. She graduated from the pediatric faculty of the Tashkent State Medical Institute in 1972. In 1972 – 1973 she worked as an intern at the ambulance station. In 1976 – 1979 years studied at postgraduate. In 1980 she defended her thesis on “Functional Condition of symptom – adrenal system in pneumonia with astmoticheskim syndrome in young children.” From 1980 to 1997 he worked asssitentom of Childhood Illness Tashkent State Medical Institute. Since 1997 he has been working at the Department of Associate Professor. The general experience is 43goda, pedogagichesky experience of 33 years.
Is the author of 55 scientific papers, of which 26 educational-methodical development.
Tursunbaev Anwar Karimovich – PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics GP Tashkent Medical Academy. He graduated from the Central Asian Pediatric Medical Institute in 1981. In 1991-1994 Assistant of the Department of Microbiology and epidimiologii. Since 1994 in resuscitation in the hospital Sampo. In 1995, a graduate student Biological Laboratory NGOs UzSSR Institute “Cybernetics”. In 1989 he defended his thesis on “functional relationship RAAS and STS in glomerulonephritis in children.” S1989 has worked at the Department of Children’s bolezney№2 Sampo. Since 2002, he worked as assistant chair of childhood diseases 2 Tashkent State Medical Institute. Since 2003 worked as a lecturer since 2004 zav.kursom neonatology. Since 2005 he has been working assistant professor of the department. In 1994 and 2003, increased skills in neonatology in US medical centers. In 2006, increased skills in pediatrics at the Medical Center of Al-Mansour Egypt. In 2004, increased skills in pedagogy at the Moscow Medical Academy named after Sechenov, in 2007 in Ukraine. Author of more than 80 scientific works, 2 inventions. Member of the Board at Masters TashPMI in neonatology. He is currently the head of pediatric intensive care unit. Areas of research activity neonatology and nephrology.
Zakirova Umida Irkinovna. PhD, assistant professor of pediatrics GP Tashkent Medical Academy. In 1992 she graduated from the Tashkent Medical Institute peliatrichesky. In 1993-2004 he worked at the Department of Childhood Illness TashPMI. In 2004 she defended her thesis on the topic: “Clinical and genetic analysis of obstructive bronchitis in infants” in the specialty 14.00.09 – Pediatrics. The general experience of 22 years of teaching experience of 12 years. Since 2005 he has been working as an assistant at the department since 2007 as a senior lecturer, associate professor in 2014.
Prepare model, work programs, texts of lectures, educational development and their electronic forms on the subject of Pediatrics with the use of modern teaching methods
Zakirova U.I in 2005-2013 she worked as responsible for the scientific work of the department. In recent years, has published scientific articles 6 and 7 overseas in the country. Actively participates in the national scientific conferences.
Zakirova UI prepared in the “Ustoz-shogird” (06.14.2014 year prikaz№227) 602 student groups of the medical faculty, who took 2nd place at the Republican Olympiad in pediatrics. Widely used in the conduct of open sessions of the course materials to students 7 information and resource portal «ZiyoNet» (immunization in children Clinical examination of healthy and sick children, deficient states in children) with the participation of students and teachers.
Actively involved in the organization of research work of the department for state grants and self-supporting work. Is a party to grant “Development of modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases in children.” Is responsible employee in the department for outpatient work. Author of more than 60 scientific papers and educational development.
Iskanova Gulshan Holdorovna, PhD, assistant professor of pediatrics GP Tashkent Medical Academy. In 1994 she graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 1994-2004 she worked as a doctor. In 2005-2012 she worked at the department assistant, assistant professor in 2013. In 2010 she defended her thesis on “Peculiarities of non-rheumatic carditis in children with different interferonovym status”. Contributes to the introduction of English yazқka in the learning process. Since 2012 he has been responsible for the learning process. Author of 6 scientific articles, more than 20 educational development and 40 abstracts. Conducts clinical work in the office kardionefrologicheskom 1 clinic TMA.
Yakhyaeva Kamol Zakirovna, PhD, Assistant of the Department of Pediatrics GP Tashkent Medical Academy. In 1994 she graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 1994-2004 she worked as a doctor. Since 2005 he has been working as an assistant at the department. In 2010 she defended her thesis on the topic: “Bolalarda surunkali glomerulonefritninng nefrotik shaklini davolashga yangicha ёndashuv.” Implemented in the educational process new educational technology. Is the author of 4 scientific stateyta, 20 educational development, 50 abstracts. Since 2011 he has been deputy dean of the medical faculty.
Holtaeva Fotima Fayzievna, PhD, Assistant of the Department of Pediatrics GP Tashkent Medical Academy. In 1993 she graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. The general experience of 27 years, teaching for 14 years. In 1994 – 1998 she worked as a doctor in the emergency department of the regional children’s hospital physician. Since 2000 works at the department of Goa assistant. In 2008 she defended her thesis on the topic: “Endotoxemia darazhasini ҳisobga Olga ҳolda ERTA ёshdagi bolalarda ўtkir zotilzhamning complex farmakoterapiyasi” by function 14. 00. 19 and 14. 00. Pediatrics 42- Clinical Pharmacology.
Research results are published in 20 scientific articles, and educational development, 1 innovations. Since 2000 he is responsible for the spiritual and educational work of the department.
Karimov Umida Nyrmatovna, Assistant of the Department of Pediatrics GP Tashkent Medical Academy. In 1994 she graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. When you have finished clinical residency in 7 Tashkent City Children’s Hospital worked in 5 children infectious children’s hospital. Since 1997 he has been working in infectious diseases -konsultantom 1 clinic TMA. Since 2005 he has been working at the department. Total work experience of 20 years, teaching for 9 years. Performs a doctoral thesis on the topic: “Early diagnosis of lesions of the nervous system in glomerulonephritis in children.” Author of 6 articles, 20 abstracts, 2 educational development. Conducts clinical work in the office kardionefrologicheskom 1 clinic TMA.
Yusupov Gulnoza Amanillaevna, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Pediatrics GP Tashkent Medical Academy. In 2001 she graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 2001-2004 took Masters in pediatrics. In 2004-2005 he worked as an assistant pediatrics kaeflry TashPMI. S2005 has been working at the department. He lectures and conducts workshops in pediatrics, neonatology medical students, medical and educational departments.
Author of articles 7, 28 abstracts, 4 manuals and 1ratsionalizatorskogo offers. Presented papers and articles on scientific conferences. In 2011 she defended her thesis on the topic: “State microbiocenosis bowel in children with recurrent bronchitis and homeopathic its correction.”
Conducts curatorial work with students 6th year medical faculty. Conducts medical and advisory work in the Department of Pathology of the newborn.
Latipov Shakhnoza Akbarbekovna, PhD, Assistant of the Department of Pediatrics GP Tashkent Medical Academy. In 1996 she graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 1996-2004godah worked as a doctor in the clinic. Since 2005 he has been working at the department. In 2008-2011 she studied at the graduate school of TMA. In 2011 she defended her thesis on the topic: “The role of NO-ergic system in the formation of relapsing forms of bronchitis, and the principles of their treatment in children.” Conducts workshops in pediatrics, neonatology, pediatrics outpatient students 6-7 courses of medical faculty of TMA.
Author of 3 articles, 2 methodical recommendations, 20 abstracts and proposals 1ratsionalizatorskogo. Participated in scientific conferences. 7 is the curator of the students of the course of medical faculty.
Israilov Nigora Amanullaevna, Assistant of the Department of Pediatrics GP Tashkent Medical Academy. In 1996 she graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 1996-2004 she worked as a physician assistant in the Department of Pediatrics of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. Since 2005 he has been working at the department. Today performs his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Bolalarda Utkir pnevmoniyada Jurack con Thomire Sistemas cholate, prognozlash Islands davoni korrektsiyalash.” Conducts workshops in pediatrics, neonatology, pediatrics outpatient students 6-7 courses of medical faculty of TMA. Author of 6 articles, 1 training manuals, 10 abstracts and proposals 1ratsionalizatorskogo. Participated in scientific conferences with reports. 7 is the curator of the students of the course of medical faculty.
Barno Normatillaevna Karimov, Assistant of the Department of Pediatrics GP Tashkent Medical Academy. In 1996 she graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 1996-2005 she worked as a physician in 2006-2010 as assistant chair of childhood diseases, since 2010 assistant in the Department of Pediatrics GP TMA. Conducts workshops in pediatrics, neonatology, pediatrics outpatient students 6-7 courses of medical faculty of TMA. Author of 4 articles, 3 teaching aids, 14 abstracts. She has participated in the scientific and practical conferences with publications. He is currently working on his doctoral dissertation.
Sodikova Nozima Baxodirovna.
Assistant of the Department of Pediatrics UASh Tashkent Medical Academy. In 2011 she graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 2011-2013 he passed a clinical residency in pediatrics. From 2013 to 2014 he worked as a senior practitioner at the department, since 2014 as an assistant.
TTA Medical Faculty conducts practical training for 6th year students in pediatrics, neonatology and outpatient pediatrics. Author of 5 articles and 10 theses. He participated in national and international scientific conferences with theses. Currently, he is increasing his scientific potential in the field of pedagogy. The Faculty of Medicine works as a coach of 402 groups.
Dinmuxammadiyeva Dilorom Rakhimjanovna
Assistant of the Department of “Pediatric diseases №2” at Tashkent Medical Academy. In 2017 she graduated from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 2017-2020 she succesfully graduated from postgraduate study in the Department of “Pediatric diseases №2” at Tashkent Medical Academy.
She conducts practical training for 6th year students in pediatrics, neonatology and outpatient pediatrics. Author of more than 15 medical articles, 25 medical theseses, 35 medical certifications, and also has the IELTS certification. She participated in national and international scientific conferences, congresses with theses, posters and lectures. Currently, she is increasing her scientific potential in the field of pediatric rheumathology.