Head of the department, MD, professor
Tel.: +998 90 150-97-09
E-mail: ilkhamdjan.karimdjanov@tma.uz
My Profiles:
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user=cmBEAnIAAAAJ&hl=ru
- Scopus
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9356-4870
- 1973-1979 – student at Midle Asia Medical Pediatrical Institute
- 1979-1980 – Namangan region children clinics internist pediatrician
- 1982-1984 – Clinical resident of the Research Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology, pediatry
Work experience:
- 1981-1982 – doctor of thoracic surgical department of the Research Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology
- 1982-1984 – Clinical resident of the Research Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology
- 1984-1987 – Junior researcher of the Research Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology
- 1988-1990 – Head physician of the Research Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology
- 1990-1994 – .- Senior researcher of the Research Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology
- 1994-1997 – Assistant- Professor of the 2 Tashkent State Medical Institute
- 1997-2000 – Head of the department of pediatrics of the 2 Tashkent State Medical Institute
- 2000-2004 -Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of the 2 Tashkent State Medical Institute
- 2004- p.t. Head of the department of pediatrics of the Tashkent Medical Academy
Scientific activity:
- PhD dissertation – « Features of the course of intrathoracic pulmonary tuberculosis in children with various state of the pituitary-adrenal and gonadal systems ».
- 1993 й. Doctoral dissertation – «Diurnal chronoalgorithm and chronochemotherapy of pulmonary tuberculosis ».
Main Practical Activities:
- Pediatrics, prevention of childhood diseases, early diagnosis, the creation of new methods of
Main scientific activities:
- Children’s pulmonology, nephrology, neonatology, cardiology, training of scientific and pedagogical staff
- 2015 Excellent worker of healthcare of Uzbekistan
Scientific works published for the last 5 years:
Articles and Abstracts:
- Improving the assessment of students knowledge of pediatrics at the 6 course // Совершенствование методов оценки знаний студентов-основа системы подготовки медицинских кадров , -Ташкент, 2014, – C.140-141.
- Rural medical station // Journal of Public Health of Belarus 2014, №3, p.17-18.
- Stepwise therapy of community-acquired pneumonia in children // Journal of Child Health Ukraine, 2014 (54), p. 70-73.
- Features of interleukin production in atopic dermatitis in children // The fifth International Conference on Biology and Medical science//. Австрия, 28th March 2015, p.75-79.
- Diagnosis and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in children // Journal of Child Health (Ukraine). – 2016 – No. 1 (169). – P.133-138.
- Clinical diagnostic criteria for carditis against acute pneumonia in young children // Dermatovenereology and Reproductive Health News. – Tashkent, 2017 – №1. – P.102-104
- Features of immunological shifts in nephrotic syndrome in children with atopic dermatitis // Journal of Pediatrician St. Petersburg, 2017, No. 8, p.270
- Kidneys damage in children with Wegener’s granulomatosis. Materials of the Congress “Healthy children-the future of the country”. SPburg, 20-30maya, 2017, Zh.Pediatr, №8, p.146
- Changes in the structure of the myocardium in acute pneumonia in children. Materials of the republican conference: Achievements, problems and perspectives in the field of maternal and child health in Uzbekistan: the experience of the regions. The collection of abstracts., Tashkent, 2016, p.35-37
- Rare variants of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in children. The Republican symposium of rheumatologists: “Rheumatic diseases and infection”, Tashkent, 30-11.Mayaya, 2017, p.133
- Monograph “Myocarditis in children.” Etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment. Tashkent, 2017.
- Teaching and methodical materials:
- 1.Congenital heart disease in children. Teaching-methodical material .- Tashkent, 2016.- 47p.
- 2.Chronic glomerulonephritis in children. Teaching-methodical material .- Tashkent, 2016.- 36p.
- 3.Digestof situational tasks in rheumatology in children. Teaching-methodical material .- Tashkent, 2016.- 44p.
- 4.Tubulopathy in children . Teaching-methodical material .- Tashkent, 2017.- 36s.
- 5. Medical care for children in rural medical stations. Teaching-methodical material .- Tashkent, 2017.- 42p.
- 1.Хроническая болезнь почек у детей(обзор литературы. Ж.” Здоровье ребенка”, 2017,№7(12), с.146-154
- 2.«Роль муляжей и учебных фильмов в подготовке медицинских специалистов». «Система повышения квалификации педагогических кадров в ВУЗах Узбекистана: опыт, опыт, приоритеты и перспективы развития» ». Материалы научно–практической конференции, Ташкент.18 апреля, 2018, с.94
- 3.Роль диетотерапии при геморрагическом васкулите с абдоминальным синдромом у детей. Первый Российский гастроэнтерологиче-ский конгресс с международным участием «Гастроэнтерология России с рождения до старости». Материалы конгресса, 24-26 апреля, Санкт-Петербург, Медицина: теория и практика, 2018,Т.3, №1, М93.
- Некоторые аспекты течения и лечения хронической болезни почек у детей. Материалы конгресса с международным участием «Здоровые дети — будущее страны».24-25мая 2018г. Ж. «Детская медицина Северо-Запада»(СПб), 2018 том 7, №1,с.144
- Болалардаўтйўлларидискинезиялари макола. Ж.“ЎзбекистонумумийамалиётиврачлариАхборотномаси”, 2018, №1, 42-43б.
- Поражение сердца при ювенильном идиопатическом артрите у детей. Терапевтический вестник Узбекистана, 2018. №3,с.130-131
- Болалардаабдоминалсиндромлигеморрагикваскулитдапархезбиландаволашнингурни тезис Терапевтический вестник Узбекистана, 2018. №3,с.131, с. 8.
- Диагностический алшоритм у детей при хроничекомгломерулонефрите с атопическим дерматитом. Свидетельство научного произведения. IP – CENTER. Свидетельство№ 001178 от 8.02.2019
- Прогностические критерии развития миокардита у детей раннего возраста с острой пневмонией. Свидетельство научного произведения. IP – CENTER Свидетельство№ 001178 от 8.02.2019
- Хроническая болезнь почек у детей: проблемы артериальной гипертензииЖ.«Нефрология»(СПб), 2019, том 23, №5, с.47-56
- Takayasu’s Arteritis with Renovascular Damage: A CaseReport article. American Journal of Pediatrics. Special Issue: Chronic Kidney Disease in
- Children. Vol. 6, No. 2, 2020, pp. 152-158. doi: 10.11648/j.ajp.20200602.26
- Arterial Hypertension in Children with Chronic Kidney Diseases.article. American Journal of Pediatrics. Special Issue: Chronic Kidney Disease in
- Children. Vol. 6, No. 2, 2020, pp. 109-116. doi: 10.11648/j.ajp.20200602.18
- YOUNG CHILDREN. Articlescopus. Central Asian Journal of Medicine: Vol. 2020 :Iss. 1 , Article 18. Available at: ttps://uzjournals.edu.uz/tma/vol2020/iss1/18 3-3-2020
- Diagnostic value of ceruloplasmin in nephrotic syndrome in children Article
- Scopus. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research,| Jul – Sep 2020.| Vol 12.| Issue 3, p. 1793-1796
- 15.Монография РЕЦИДИВИРУЮЩИЕ БРОНХИТЫ У ДЕТЕЙ: состояние иммунитета и микрофлоры кишечника.