Category: News
Head of the Department of Pediatrics of 1 Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Professor N. Smirnova. on April 1-5, 2019 conducted seminars and master classes in the departments of cardionephrology and neonatology for the staff of the Department of Children`s Diseases N 2 and doctors of the 1st clinic TMA
Head of the Department of Pediatrics of 1 Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Professor N. Smirnova. on April 1-5, 2019 conducted seminars and master classes in the departments of cardionephrology and neonatology for the staff of the Department of Children`s Diseases N 2 and doctors of the 1st clinic TMA
1.04.2019beganthe visit of Professor N.N. Smirnova, Head of the Department of Pediatrics of the First St. Petersburg State Medical University to the Tashkent Medical Academy. A meeting was held with the staff of the Department of Pediatric Diseases №2and with the Pediatric Clinic of the 1 Clinic of TMA. The issues of teaching the subject of childhood diseases to students of the medical faculty were discussed. It was held a master class on the topic: “Chronic kidney disease in pediatrics.” Diagnosis, new markers of renal function, which was interesting, many questions were asked, with the discussion and analysis of clinical cases.
On March 26, 2019, a competition was held among students of the Tashkent Medical Academy. Student 604 group of medical-pedagogical faculty Saidahmedov Saidaziz took 2nd place. Supervisor Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatric Diseases 2 Iskanova G.Kh.
Holtova FF, assistant of the department of children’s diseases № 2 and 608 group of schoolchildren with the help of school physicians have organized primary classes from medical school 61
Respublika Neyroxirurgiya Ilmiy Markazida ochiq eshiklar kuni.
Respublika Neyroxirurgiya Ilmiy Markazida ochiq eshiklar kuni bo’lib o’tdi. Qatnashchilar dots.Tursunbaev A.K., dots. Abdusagatova Sh.Sh. va 1 kurs magistrlar qatnashdi.