Category: International cooperation
№2. November 7-12, 2019 Professor of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics of Kazan Medical University Makarova T.P. will conduct lectures and master classes for students, masters, clinical residents, teachers of the continuing education courses at the Tashkent Medical Academy and the Department of Children’s Diseases No. 2.
October 23, 2019 Head of the Department of Children’s Diseases No. 2 Prof. Karimjanov I.A. participated in a meeting organized by UNICEF and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Head of the Department of Children’s Diseases No. 2, Prof. Karimjanov I.A. and assistant Samadov A.A. took part 7.06. 2019 in TashPMI at the International Forum “Actual problems of science and practice in medical education.”
05/25/2019 in TMA was a celebration of sports. From the Department of Children’s Diseases No. 2, the event was attended by the head of the department prof.Karimdzhanov I.A., associate professor Rakhmanova L.K., senior / prep. Karimov B.N.
2-сон болалар касалликлари кафедраси катта ўқитувчиси Латипова Шахноза Акбарбековна 613 гурух талабалари билан Зангиота тиббиёт коллежида тадбир ўтказишди.
17 майда 2-сон болалар касалликлари кафедраси катта ўқитувчиси Латипова Ш.А ,даволаш факультети 613 а гурух талабалдари билан биргаликда “Чекмасдан ёшлик гаштини сур”, “Эрта турмушнинг салбий оқибатлари” мавзусида тадбир ўтказишди.
17 may 2019 y. doctor of medical science Rakhmanova L.K.participation at the forum of MEDICAL WOMEN UZ in TashMI
Announcement On 15.05.2019, an integral lecture on the topic “Perinatal nervous system damage in the newborn” will be held with the participation of the “Children’s diseases No. 2” and “Nervous Diseases” departments of the Tashkent Medical Academy. Lecturers: Rasulova DK, IskanovaG.Kh. Lecture Hall: 1clinic TMA, 12-room.
Head of the Department of Pediatrics of 1 Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Professor N. Smirnova. on April 1-5, 2019 conducted seminars and master classes in the departments of cardionephrology and neonatology for the staff of the Department of Children`s Diseases N 2 and doctors of the 1st clinic TMA
The international cooperation
The Department of Children’s Diseases №2 in the framework of the Agreement on cooperation between TMA and 1 St. Petersburg State Medical University and St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of February 8, 2017 cooperates with the departments of pediatrics Read More …