December 15, 2022, an international scientific and practical conference was held dedicated to the 💯 anniversary of the Tashkent Medical Academy on the topic “Actual problems of modern pediatrics: new opportunities for diagnosing childhood diseases.”

              December 15, 2022, an international scientific and practical conference was held dedicated to the 💯 anniversary of the Tashkent Medical Academy on the topic “Actual problems of modern pediatrics: new opportunities for diagnosing Read More …

Open lectute 12On December, 2022, at 11:00, an open lecture for students of the 5 year 501, 502,503group of the medical faculty on the topic “Jreamy syndrome in newborns” was in the TMAmultiprofile clinic, the 11th building, the 12th lecture hall by associate professor of the department of children´s diseases in family medicineTolipova N.K.

ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Open lectute 12On December, 2022, at 11:00, an open lecture for students of the 5 year 501, 502,503group of the medical faculty on the topic “Jreamy syndrome in newborns” was in the TMAmultiprofile clinic, the 11th building, the 12th Read More …

On October 31, 2022 at 8.00-12.20h. In the 14th building of the 11-room of the TMA multidisciplinary clinic for 6-year students of the 605Вgroup of the 2-nd medical faculty, an open lesson will be held on the topic: “Edematous syndrome: Nephrotic and allergic edema. Diagnosis of glomerulonephritis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis andrehabilitation criteria.” an open lesson on the topic was held.”docent of the Department of Childhood Diseases No. 2, Ph.D. Karimova U. N.